5 Best Leg Workouts For Women
If you’re here, I’m sure it’s because you are interested in the title of this post! The exercises I am going to share in this post are promised to give you results, if you’re consistent!
When I started working out again when I was medically cleared after having my second baby, I focused on these 5 moves, and the results were quick and amazing. So let’s dive right into it!
This post is going to cover:
The 5 best leg workouts for women
The target muscle group for each workout
The reps and frequency I do of each workout
20 minute complete workout
Why working out legs was my priority postpartum, and why they should be your priority too
The 5 Best Leg Workouts for Women
Split squats: stand up straight with one leg in front of your body. Dumbbells in hands with arms by sides. Keeping your chest up, lower into a lunge position, then stand back up into the upright standing position with the same leg in front. You’re going to feel these in your quads, glutes, inner thigh, basically your whole leg! These are so good for toning.
I hold a 10 pound weight in each hand for these and usually do 3 sets of 10 on each leg!
2. Squats- stand with your feet hip distance apart. Hold weights up above shoulders with arms bent. Keeping your weight in your heels, squat back. Keep your belly tight and go back to a standing position. You will feel these in your glutes and quads!
I use 10 pound dumbbells and perform 3 sets of 10-20 reps.
3. Goblet squats- stand with feet hip distance apart with toes slightly turned out. Hold dumbbell by your chest. Squat back keeping belly tight and chest up! You will feel these in your inner thigh/quad/glutes!
I use my 10 pound dumbbells and perform 3 sets of 10-20 reps!
4. Reverse lunges- stand with feet together with dumbbells by sides. Keeping chest up, step one foot backwards into lunge position. Don’t allow your knee to go over your toes! Alternate legs!
I do 3 sets of 20 reps of these usually!
5. Glute bridges- lay on back with feet hip distance apart. Lift your booty off the ground keeping feet planted into the floor. Be sure not to arch your back, keeping belly tight and ribs together. You will feel these in your glute muscles!
I perform 3 sets of 12 of these!
20 Minute Complete Workout- perform each circuit for 4 minutes total, set timer. Perform each exercise circuit as many times through as you can in the 4 minutes! Take a 1 minute break between each circuit. Repeat twice for a longer workout!
4 minutes:
10 right leg split squats
10 left leg split squats
10 goblet squats
10 jumping jacks
4 minutes:
10 squats
12 reverse lunges alternating legs
10 deadlifts with dumbbells
10 squat jumps
4 minutes:
12 glute bridges
10 donkey kicks right leg (on hands and knees)
10 donkey kicks left leg
4 minutes:
10 walking lunges
10 side lunges right leg
10 side lunges left leg
20 high knees jog in place
Why Working Out Legs Should be a Priority
So why is leg day a priority for me? Simple, your legs have the biggest muscles in your body. Therefore, working out legs will result in the most calorie burn and toning.
When we workout our legs, our body has to use more muscles than just the legs. While you are working out your legs you’re also toning your abs and arms! Win, win. I usually also workout my arms, but I always make sure to workout some legs and make them the priority of my workout.
Make sure you try out these 5 workouts for your legs. If you do them consistently, you will see results! The results will shock you. For more on workouts, check out my post 8 At Home Workouts That Actually Gave me Results and Full Body at Home Workout.
Thank you for reading! Enjoy the workouts and results!