5 Ways To Live A Healthy Lifestyle

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Are you on a mission to live out a healthy lifestyle? But you don’t know where to start, or how to start? Look no further, you are in the right place!

I get it, sometimes being healthy can be tough. I have been there. Once I mastered these 5 ways to live a healthy lifestyle though, I have been consistently living out my healthiest life!

This post will discuss:

  • 5 Ways To Live A Healthy Lifestyle

  • How To Stay Motivated To Being Healthy

  • How To Implement Self Care

Let’s jump right into it and get your healthy lifestyle started!

5 Ways To Live A Healthy Lifestyle

1. Make working out/fitness a priority

I know, finding the time or energy to workout can be tough. I get it! I have 2 kids under 2. Some days I wonder where or how I will ever find the energy to workout. However, once I made working out a part of my every day routine, it became much easier to do. My day doesn’t feel complete without getting my workout in.

I try to do my workout in the morning. I have kind of made it a part of my morning routine. When you make it a part of your routine it is easier to get it done. Also, find a workout routine or type of workout you actually enjoy. If you look forward to it, it is so much easier to do!

Working out/fitness is such an important part of living out a healthy lifestyle. I know, maybe you didn’t want to hear that. But I promise you will feel so much healthier and happier when you prioritize fitness. I always feel better after a workout, and I feel motivated to live out a healthy life!

Also, get yourself some cute workout clothes! Having a cute workout set makes all of the difference in the motivation to workout!

2. Healthy eating

Healthy eating is such a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle. I mean, how can you live a healthy lifestyle without healthy eating, right? Now, I like to follow an 80/20 rule with healthy eating because we have to live a little! Yes I still eat pizza, chocolate, and french fries in moderation. But 80% of the time I eat healthy.

Newsflash though, healthy eating does not have to taste bad! I make so many healthy meals that my husband and my toddler love. For more on some of my healthy meal ideas, read my post 3 Healthy Dinner Recipes I Ate While Losing 60 Pounds Postpartum. I provide 3 full recipes in that post and a grocery list! Definitely check it out!

You will feel so much more confident and happy once you eat healthy most of the time!

3. Drink enough water

This one can be tough I know. It is especially hard for me in the winter time because I am always freezing! But it is so super important to make sure you are drinking enough water. I try to drink 64-80oz of water everyday. In the summer/hot months I usually drink more than that. Get yourself a cute water cup or bottle and lets get hydrated!

4. Skin care, skin care, skin care!

I can’t stress this one enough. Skin care is so important for a healthy lifestyle. I make sure to do my skin care in the morning and before bed. If you are looking for an amazing skincare line that is affordable and cruelty free, I cannot express how much I love dime’s products! They have been a complete game changer for my skin. I struggled with acne for so long, once I found dime, my skin has been great! Shop below my absolute favorite face wash and moisturizer on Amazon:

Face wash


All of their products are amazing, I can’t live without them.

5. Prioritize self care

We can’t live out a healthy lifestyle without taking care of ourselves. You need to spoil yourself sometimes with some self care! Whether that is getting your nails done, hair done, etc.! Whatever it may be, treat yourself! It is so important.

How To Stay Motivated To Being Healthy

So you implemented all of the healthy lifestyle tips, now how do you stay motivated to being healthy?

Staying motivated can be hard. I think the key to staying motivated is to tell yourself why you are doing it. Why are you on the mission to live out a healthy lifestyle? Remind yourself everyday why you are doing it! When there is a reason for doing something it is a lot easier to live it out!

Another way to stay motivated to being healthy is to surround yourself with people who motivate you. Motivate each other! Once you start living a healthy lifestyle I promise you won’t want to go back to being unhealthy! You will feel so much better.

How to Implement Self Care

This topic can be tricky. I know sometimes as moms or busy women, we don’t really leave a lot of time for ourselves. Our self care or us time gets pushed to the back burner. I am guilty of this! However, we need to remember if we don’t take care of ourselves we can’t take care of others!

So how do we implement self care? Well, pin point what you want to do for your self care. Is it getting your nails done, hair done? Once you pin point what you want your self care to be, it is time to make time for it in your schedule!

It is time to make a healthy lifestyle a priority! I promise you will feel so much better. Once you prioritize fitness, healthy eating, and self care, you will feel like a new you! For more on healthy lifestyles, read my post How To Become Your Healthiest Self in 2025 where I go more into detail on workout tips, self care ideas, and healthy food ideas!


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3 Healthy Dinner Recipes I Ate While Losing 60 lbs Postpartum