Full Body At Home Workout


Are you wanting to workout at home but you don’t know where to start? No worries, I’ll take the thinking out of it and walk you through my favorite full body at home workout in this post!

Did I mention this is one of the workouts I did to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight by 4 months postpartum? I can’t wait to share it with you!

Grab your dumbbells, a resistance band if you have them, a cute workout outfit, and let’s get started!

As always, seek medical advice before starting a new workout!

Warm up

  1. 25-100 walking lunges- start where you need to with these. I do 100 but definitely go at your own pace. Walk forward bringing one leg in front, bending the knee into a lunge position. Make sure your knees aren't going over your toes! Alternate legs and do as many reps as you can. You will definitely feel these in your quads!

  2. 3 sets of 10 goblet squats- turn your toes out slightly with legs about hip distance apart. Drop your butt down into a squat position. Keep your chest lifted. I like to bend my arms and lock my hands in front of my chest for these. You’ll feel these in your quads and inner thighs!

  3. 3 sets of 10 resistance band side kicks- if you have one, put the resistance band around your thighs. These are the resistance bands I use! I got them off of amazon. They really elevate the workout and are super affordable. Keeping your chest lifted and your body upright, kick your right leg out to the side- keep your core tight! Then repeat on the left side. Only lift the leg as high as you can keeping your body controlled.

  4. 3 sets of 10 resistance band kick backs- again, use the resistance band if you have it, if not do it without. Keep the band around your thighs and lift your right leg as high as you can behind you. Lean forward slightly but don’t drop your chest too low. You should feel these in your booty. Repeat on the left!

Workout Circuit

  1. 3 sets of 20 back squats with dumbbells- if you don’t have dumbbells, you can definitely do these without! If you do have dumbbells, grab them, one dumbbell in each hand holding them just above your shoulders with elbows facing down and arms bent, squat down. Put the weight of your body in your heels, your booty should go back as far as it can keeping your chest lifted!

  2. 3 sets of 10 glute bridges- I like to do these with my feet elevated on my couch, but you can do them flat on the ground too! Plant your feet flat on whatever surface you are using. Arms down by your side, keeping your core tight! Lift your booty up using your legs. Make sure you are not letting your ribs pop out and arching your back. This should be a controlled movement with your legs doing the work and your core staying tight!

  3. 3 sets of 10 squats with side leg lift- put your resistance band around your thighs again, and do a squat. When you come up from the squat, lift your right leg out to the side. Squat down again, and lift your left leg this time. Alternating legs 10 times. Keep your chest lifted in your squat!

  4. 1 set of 20 walking lunges with dumbbells- now we are going to do the same walking lunges from our warmup but this time we are going to hold our dumbbells. If you don’t have dumbbells, just do them without! If you have dumbbells though, hold them by your side with arms straight!

  5. 3 sets of 12 split squats- stand with one leg in front, holding dumbbells if you have them by your sides. We are going to keep the same leg in front and drop down into a lunge position, then stand back up into our standing position with the same leg in front. Don’t let your knee go over your toes and keep your chest lifted! Complete 12 reps then switch legs!

  6. 3 sets of 10 squat jumps- stand up feet shoulder width apart, drop into a squat position and jump up, making sure to return lightly into a squat position. Try not to slam into the ground, it should be a controlled movement!

  7. 3 sets of 10 reverse lunges- standing feet together with dumbbells by sides, step backwards into a lunge position. Keep your chest lifted! Alternate legs!

  8. 3 sets of 10 overhead press- with dumbbells in hands, bend arms and hold weights just above shoulders. Lifts arms overhead above/in front of you. Repeat 10 times!

  9. 3 sets of 10 bicep curls- dumbbells in hands, we are going to bring the weights towards our chest then lower them back down. Be sure to keep your core tight and don’t let your body sway all over!

  10. 3 sets of 10 pushups- can do modified on knees pushups! Put hands as wide as your shoulders. Drop chest down to floor and come back up. Make sure you don’t arch your back and keep your belly tight!!

As always remember to stretch after! And make sure to stay hydrated before, during, and after your workout! I always have my hydrojug to make sure I stay hydrated throughout the day. I love this hydrojug because it is leakproof, cupholder friendly, dishwasher safe, and it is easy to take on the go! Also, they have such fun colors! Shop a bunch of color options on Amazon!

I hope you loved this workout! Follow along with me for more workouts, workout inspiration, and much more! Don’t forget to check out my resistance bands and favorite water cup!


Full Body Workout For Beginners


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