How I Got Back to My Pre-pregnancy Weight By 4 Months Postpartum


Losing weight postpartum or just losing weight in general can be extremely challenging. Sticking to a consistent routine and plan can be the most difficult part.

I get it. I have been there. I gained 60+ pounds in my first pregnancy and ended up pregnant again just a few months postpartum. After my second pregnancy I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight at just 4 months postpartum, and I am going to share my tips and what actually worked with you!

In this blog post, I’m sharing exactly what I did to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight quick. I will be covering:

  • How I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight 4 months postpartum

  • Workout moves and the schedule that actually worked for me

  • How to find time to workout

  • My favorite workout outfit

  • Making healthy food options

So if you are struggling to lose weight, having a hard time keeping a consistent workout schedule, or you just don’t really know where to start, you’re in the right place!

How I Got Back to My Pre-pregnancy Weight 4 Months Postpartum

When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter in October of 2022, I was so excited! However, I sort of looked at it as an excuse or opportunity to eat foods I wouldn't normally eat. Never struggling with weight before, I didn’t think it would effect me. Well, I ended up gaining 60+ pounds during that pregnancy!

I was determined to workout and feel like myself again once I had my daughter. I was struggling to find motivation and stick to a consistent routine, and then just a few short months later I found out I was pregnant again!

After having my son in July of this year, I was on a mission to stay consistent in my workouts! I was going to have a workout schedule and I was going to follow it! I stayed consistent in my workouts, followed a plan, and 4 months later I was back to my pre ever being pregnant weight. Sidenote, I did NOT breastfeed.

Workout Moves and Schedule I Followed

I made up 2 different workout routines and I started alternating them. I do all of my workouts at home! All I use is a pair of dumbbells and a resistance band! These routines consist of:

  • squats

  • lunges

  • donkey kicks

  • resistance band side/back kicks

  • cardio moves etc.

I am offering a free guide that includes 3 full workouts with actual moves and reps I did to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight!

Sign up below for my FREE 3 part workout guide with workouts and reps I did to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight!

    I go more into depth on exactly what workouts I have been doing in my post 8 At Home Workouts That Actually Gave Me Results

    I followed the 2 workout routines consistently alternating them. One day I would do one of them, then the next day the other one. It is very helpful knowing what workout routine you are going to do so you don’t have to waste time thinking about it! Knowing what I am going to do that day has helped me remain consistent.

    Finding the time to workout can be challenging, I get that! Having 2 kids under 2, I definitely understand! My biggest tip here is to make it a quick but effective workout. My workouts that I have been consistently doing take around 30 minutes. You don’t have to workout for countless hours to see improvements! With consistency and efficiency you can see results with shorter workouts!

    My Favorite Workout Outfit

    Who doesn't love cute and comfy workout clothes? Shop my FAVORITE workout attire that gave me all the confidence, comfort, and motivation to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight! I promise it is so comfy and allowed me to reach my goals, and you can too! Check them out on amazon with the links below!


    Click the link below to shop my favorite leggings!

    Crz yoga butterluxe leggings are my absolute favorite. They are buttery soft. They feel like you are in pajamas while also providing the support you need for your workout! They are also so affordable and come in so many different color options.

    Sports bra:

    Click the link below to shop my favorite sports bra!

    This sports bra is so comfy providing great support! I live in them! They are so soft and comfortable, and also extremely affordable!

    Making Healthy Food Options

    I want to start off by saying I am not one for diets. Personally I think diets have their place and work great for some people, but for me, I like to follow more of a 80/20 rule. I eat healthy 80% of the time but I still allow myself to enjoy things like pizza and cookies 20% of the time!

    I think the biggest hack for making a healthy meal choice is to plan it out in advance. If you have healthy ingredients in your fridge and you know what you are going to make, it is much easier to eat healthy. If you don’t have it planned out or available, we tend to go for quick unhealthy options.

    I try to eat a lot of foods with protein and try to avoid a lot of carbs. Some foods I eat:

    • Eggs

    • Fruit (berries, bananas, apples, etc.)

    • Chicken

    • Ground beef

    • Vegetables

    • Brown rice

    Eating healthy does not need to be boring or taste bad. You can make delicious healthy meals!

    When I stuck to my workout plan, ate healthy foods, and remained consistent I saw results quickly! I know you can do this too, and I am here to help!


    8 At Home Workouts That Actually Gave Me Results